Shape the vision for jobs – don’t play to an audience, Back Heathrow tells London Assembly

Responding to comments on the proposed expansion of Heathrow airport made by the London Assembly, Back Heathrow Executive Director, Parmjit Dhanda said:

 “This is a serious issue that requires analysis, not lazy sloganeering. Londoners need the tens of thousands of new jobs and apprenticeships Heathrow expansion will create in the capital and they expect their politicians to help make it happen by setting strong targets on air quality and noise.

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Campaigners want expansion commitment from PM Johnson

Hillingdon residents and Back Heathrow supporters last week asked the Prime Minister to support the expansion of Heathrow airport, by showing him how much support there is for the project in his own constituency.

Handing in over 700 postcards from his constituents, which ask Mr Johnson to give his full backing to the expansion project, a delegation of Back Heathrow supporters from his constituency met with Boris' doppelganger outside the Civic Centre in Uxbridge.

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Free vote for Ealing campaign launched

Residents in Ealing are positive about Heathrow expansion and now they want their council to be positive about it as well.

Back Heathrow supporters in Ealing helped launch a campaign last week at the Bridge Hotel, Greenford, to persuade the council to have a free vote on its stance over Heathrow expansion.

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Heathrow expansion appeal will not change the view of local people

Commenting on the Court of Appeal decision allowing claimants against the Government’s plans to expand Heathrow permission to appeal in a hearing beginning on 21 October 2019, Parmjit Dhanda, Executive Director of Back Heathrow said:

"We know that the ‘No 3rd Runway Coalition’ is campaigning off the backs of local people and their council tax payments. We estimate over £2m of taxpayers' cash has now been wasted.

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Chiswick backs Heathrow

Chiswick and Isleworth based Back Heathrow supporters got together last week to discuss the Heathrow consultation. They were joined by representatives from Hounslow Chamber of Commerce, who were there to lend the support of the local business community.

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Silent majority finds its voice in favour of Heathrow expansion, and calls for talks

Silent majority finds its voice in favour of Heathrow expansion, and calls for talks

Over 70 local residents voiced their support for Heathrow’s expansion at Hillingdon Civic Centre last night (July 4th), at a demonstration where they were surprised and pleased to make contact with Labour and Conservative councillors on the issue.

Until now the council has refused to receive correspondence or acknowledge the Back Heathrow campaign, but at the demonstration councillors appeared to soften their line and started to engage with the pro-expansion argument for the first time.

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Heathrow expansion reaches major milestone on the way to completion

Back Heathrow, the campaign that represents over 100,00 local residents, has welcomed the launch of the airport’s biggest ever consultation which lays out the detailed plans for the proposed new runway project.

Back Heathrow executive director, Parmjit Dhanda, said: “This is a major milestone for the realisation of this critical infrastructure project. It will bring thousands of new jobs, apprenticeships for young people in local communities and boost the wider UK economy. It will also help the airport maintain its position as the UK’s only hub airport and largest port by value of its trade.

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Ealing residents’ survey shows 69% support for bigger Heathrow

An independent and representative sample of over 1,200 residents commissioned by Ealing Council has found that a large majority of its residents back a new runway at Heathrow Airport. This is despite the council voting to oppose the scheme at a meeting in December.

 The survey results were welcomed by Parmjit Dhanda, Executive Director of Back Heathrow, the community campaign for a new runway at Heathrow airport. He said: “In February a residents’ survey in Hounslow showed a 15% rise in support for Heathrow expansion to 59%. Now Ealing Council has confirmed this pattern of rising support, with 69% of residents backing expansion.

 “Ealing Council is right to ensure that air quality is protected and noise minimised as part of this scheme, but this is a clear message from local people that the council should now wholeheartedly back the scheme and the thousands of jobs and apprenticeships it will create.”

 The shift in support towards expansion follows the Parliamentary vote in June 2018, in which two of the three Ealing MPs (Steve Pound and Virendra Sharma) backed expansion (Rupa Huq voted against), in a Parliamentary majority of 296.

In February, the Hounslow residents’ survey revealed that 59% of residents supported a new runway – up from 44% in 2016, with only 22% opposing it.

Last month the Royal Borough of Maidenhead and Windsor, which had been one of the leaders of the failed legal challenge against Heathrow expansion decided it would reconsider its position with a free vote at a full council meeting in June.

Mr Dhanda added: “With this new information at hand I hope Ealing Council will reconsider its formal position of opposition through a debate and free vote at a future council meeting. The position of the council should reflect the view of its residents.”

The full Ealing council survey results can be found here:


£625,000 of costs to be recovered from Councils over Heathrow expansion legal challenge

Transport Minister Jesse Norman MP has revealed that costs of £625,000 from legal challenges to Heathrow expansion will be recovered from the unsuccessful claimants. 

That will include substantial costs against the London Boroughs of Hillingdon, Wandsworth, Richmond and the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead. The Mayor of London will also be liable for a portion of the costs.

Back Heathrow supporters outside the High Court in March

The cost to the councils is in addition to over £2 million of expenditure in legal fees, PR costs and funding of local ‘anti- Heathrow’ groups over the last decade.

In response to a question asked by Justine Greening MP to the Secretary of State of Transport: “What estimate he has been made of the (a) legal (b) other costs to the public purse of the judicial review of the Airports National Policy Statement.”

The Minister stated: “The external costs to date to the Department of defending the judicial review claims are £1,608,642 for legal costs and £95,152 for other costs. Following the judgments in favour of the Secretary of State, the Department will seek to recover up to £625,000 in costs from the unsuccessful claimants.”

Executive Director of Back Heathrow, Parmjit Dhanda said: “This is embarrassing for local council leaders, who have played fast and loose with tax-payers’ money, and lost it all. They could instead have been negotiating how their boroughs would benefit from new jobs and apprenticeships.

“They should now get around the table and engage in the consultation process to help develop a regeneration project for local communities to be proud of, whilst also tackling noise and reducing our carbon footprint.”



Tory Peer tells councils to stop wasting money on legal challenges

A leading Conservative Peer and former member of the European Parliament, Lord Balfe of Dulwich, has launched a withering criticism of Conservative run councils like Hillingdon, Wandsworth, and Windsor & Maidenhead urging them not to waste any more money opposing Heathrow expansion.

The Peer supports Heathrow expansion on economic grounds and has questioned the motives of London councils, led by fellow Conservatives, that oppose the new runway.

Last week these councils had their bid to stop Heathrow expansion thrown out at the Royal Courts of Justice. However, they have threatened to appeal the decision, with further legal costs.

Lord Balfe said: “As a Conservative Peer, I am very disappointed at the attitude of London councils like Hillingdon, Wandsworth and Windsor & Maidenhead for wasting taxpayers’ money on a legal challenge against the much-needed new runway at Heathrow. I find it difficult to understand why Conservative councils do not seize the opportunities of expansion. They should invest in success, rather than play to a vocal minority.”

Lord Balfe has a long-standing interest in aviation - as a former MEP, as vice-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on General Aviation and through work with trade unions. Hence, he is well versed in the arguments about Heathrow’s expansion.

Lord Balfe added: “The majority of MPs – Conservative and Labour – voted in favour of this project. Conservatives have a reputation to uphold as the party of business. In this instance, they could be the party of business and the people.”

An independent commission and the government have set out key environmental targets which must be adhered to as part of expansion. Expansion also has the strong support of local people, as polling shows.

Lord Balfe’s intervention is a significant blow to the approach of councils involved in legal challenges against expansion in the courts, earlier in May.

Executive Director of Back Heathrow, Parmjit Dhanda echoed Lord Balfe’s criticisms. He said: “These councils have wasted over £2m of taxpayers’ money already on legal challenges fighting a project that will create thousands of new jobs and apprenticeships. They should not waste any more money by appealing a High Court decision that categorically struck out their claims. It’s time they spent council revenues on public services instead of an appeal they know they will lose.”
