GMB Trade Union in Heathrow talks on London Living Wage

Discussions have taken place between Heathrow Airport and GMB trade union about the potential wider rollout of the London Living Wage. It was announced earlier this year that Heathrow would pay the London Living Wage (LLW) to all directly employed staff. 

L-R Parmjit Dhanda, Paula Stannett (Heathrow's Executive HR Director), John Holland-Kaye, Gary Smith, Mark Betteridge (GMB Head of Campaigns & Communication)


At a meeting yesterday, General Secretary of the GMB trade union Gary Smith and Executive Director of campaign group Back Heathrow Parmjit Dhanda met with Heathrow CEO John Holland-Kaye.   

They also discussed Heathrow’s sustainability strategy (known as ‘Heathrow 2.0’), including plans to increase unionised jobs in growing green industries like sustainable aviation fuels. 

Gary Smith, General Secretary of the GMB trade union, said: 

“Aviation is vital for jobs and for the future of the UK economy. The rollout of the London Living Wage to workers at Heathrow is a welcome step; but it must go further to cover people working for all contractors and suppliers and it was good to discuss with John [Holland-Kaye] how this may be achieved. 

“GMB wants to see a sector specific plan for aviation – greater support for sustainable aviation fuel and ultimately working towards Heathrow expansion.” 

GMB General Secretary Gary Smith in conversation with Parmjit Dhanda


Parmjit Dhanda, Executive Director of Back Heathrow, added: 

“Heathrow now pays at least the London Living Wage to its workers which is important, especially as prices and household bills rise. We have a shared vision to see this extended to the wider supply chain, where so many of our 100,000 supporters work. 

“Sustainable aviation fuels are the future of the industry; they’ll create thousands of new jobs; and it’s fantastic to have the airport and major trade unions working together on creating a better paid workforce and a sustainable future for aviation.” 
