Supporters of Heathrow expansion understand well that not everyone agrees with us. That’s fine, because our democracy is built on the proud tradition of differing views, but in today’s world it seems some people don’t just want different opinions, they want ‘alternative’ facts.
The ‘New Economics Foundation’ (an organisation opposed to Heathrow expansion) has just published an error-filled report on Heathrow’s expansion, claiming it will be subsidised by public money, that ticket prices will rise, carbon emissions will increase costs, and money and jobs will be sucked away from the regions and nations of the UK. All of this is just plain wrong.
The truth is that in the last ten years Heathrow has invested over £12billion into new airport infrastructure, which has allowed it to continue to be one of the top ten airports in the world, something local residents are very proud of. All without using a single penny of public money.
The report claims that 27,000 jobs will be lost to the regions as workers are drawn to London, when in fact the project creates up to 180,000 new jobs across the UK, of which 40,000 will be in local boroughs. Off-site construction centres will provide jobs for tens of thousands of people and ensure that firms in every part of the UK will be able to bid and win supplier contracts.
On carbon emissions the report is simply out of date. Heathrow is one of the first major aviation hubs to become carbon neutral for its infrastructure and the first to target zero carbon by the mid-2030s, offering nations around the world a template for how to expand their airports sustainably.
Like 100,000 fellow supporters, I’m proud to Back Heathrow. Jobs, prosperity, opportunities for communities and our young people throughout Britain, all while tackling carbon emissions. These are huge benefits and that’s a fact.
Parmjit Dhanda
Executive Director, Back Heathrow